In my practice, I follow the most up-to-date guidelines for transgender care, which are listed below:
The following link is to a document published by the Canadian Pediatric Society in June 2023 that describes their recommended gender-affirming approach to the care of transgender youth as well as information regarding risks and benefits of such care. This website also offers information in Hindi.
World Professional Association of Transgender Health - Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8 (2022). This is the most complete and detailed document regarding the care of transgender people. Translations of this document are available in a variety of languages.
Endocrine Society Treatment Guidelines, 2017 - These guidelines are currently being reviewed and updated. However, please read the statement from the Endocrine Society published in May 2024, indicating their position on the Cass Report and their continued support for gender-affirming care.
The following link is to the American Society of Pediatrics 2018 document on care for transgender youth. The document was reviewed and "reaffirmed" in August, 2023, as accurately describing their current perspective.